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Monday, 7 January 2019

Newton's First Law Of Motion And Inertia

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Newton's first law of motion:

"Newton's first law of motion states that everybody remains in the state of rest or in uniform motion until and unless it is compelled change its state by an external force."

Factors of Newton's first law of motion:

Newton's first law of motion depends on two factors,

➡1. There should be an external force which is required to move/ accelerate a body.

➡2. A body cannot change its State of rest or of uniform motion on its own until a force is applied which leads to a concept called as Inertia.


"A tendency of a body to remain in its state of rest or of uniform motion i.e a body will be always in rest if it is at rest position and a body will be always in motion if it is at motion."

➡Inertia body depends on the mass of the body.

➡Inertia ∝ Mass of the body

➡Greater the mass higher the inertia, lesser the mass lower the inertia.

➡There are three types of inertia.

1. Inertia of rest

2. Inertia of motion

3. Inertia of direction

➡1. Inertia of rest:

Inertia of rest is defined as the resistance of a body to change its state of rest.

➡2. Inertia of motion:

Inertia of motion is defined as the tendency of a body to continue its motion in the direction of force.

➡3. Inertia of direction:

Inertia of direction is defined as the direction of a body with respect to the direction of the applied force.


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